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Jedenaście Madison Park: Portrait Shot of Eleven Madison Park (9284511683)

Data publikacji: 2018-03-14, Źródło artykułu:, Autor zdjęcia: City Foodsters
Eleven Madison Park, New York City Date Visited: June 14, 2013


Course -13 Mint - Sorbet with Fenet Branca and Chocolate Ganache (9244194127)
Course -8 Lobster - Poached with Snap Peas, Morels, and Sweetbreads (9246970824)
The Madison Parksider - Cucumber, Lime, Sparkling Mineral Water (9246968386)
Course -4 Surf Clam - Fava Bean, Meyer Lemon, and Green Garlic (9244186611)
Course -9 Nettles - Creamed with Fingerling Potato and Goat Cheese (9244189895)
Course -7 Carrot - Tartare with Rye Bread and Condiments (9244184135)
Course -5 Littleneck Clam - Clambake with Whelk, Parker House Roll, and Chowder (9246969160)
Course -12 Malt - Egg Cream with Vanilla and Seltzer (9246974482)
Course -11 Greenward - Pretzel, Mustard, and Pickled Strawberries (9246973668)
Course -7 Carrot - Tartare with Rye Bread and Condiments (9244182565)
View of the high ceiling (9244185573)
Course -7 Carrot - Tartare with Rye Bread and Condiments (9246964834)
Course -8 Lobster - Poached with Snap Peas, Morels, and Sweetbreads (9246970950)
Course -7 Carrot - Tartare with Rye Bread and Condiments (9244184239)
Course -5 Littleneck Clam - Clambake with Whelk, Parker House Roll, and Chowder (9244187003)
Course -10 (Part 2) Duck - Roasted with Pistacchio, Rhubarb, and Fennel (9244190697)
Course -7 Carrot - Tartare with Rye Bread and Condiments (9244184073)
Course -11 Greenward - Pretzel, Mustard, and Pickled Strawberries (9244191695)
Course -7 Carrot - Tartare with Rye Bread and Condiments (9244183633)
Course -13 Mint - Sorbet with Fenet Branca and Chocolate Ganache (9246975742)
Course -3 Asparagus - Custard with Caviar and Rhubarb (9244186307)
Grand Chef Daniel Humm, recipient of Relais Châteaux (9284512663)
Course -5 Littleneck Clam - Clambake with Whelk, Parker House Roll, and Chowder (9244188269)
Course -10 (Part 1) Duck - Prosciutto with Foie Gras and Pickled (9244190167)
Course -12 Malt - Egg Cream with Vanilla and Seltzer (9246974882)
Course -7 Carrot - Tartare with Rye Bread and Condiments (9246964572)
Course -1 Cheddar - Savory Black and White Cookie with Apple (9246967424)
Course -7 Carrot - Tartare with Rye Bread and Condiments (9246964342)
Course -11 Greenward - Pretzel, Mustard, and Pickled Strawberries (9246973916)
Course -10 (Part 2) Duck - Roasted with Pistacchio, Rhubarb, and Fennel (9246971972)
Course -5 Littleneck Clam - Clambake with Whelk, Parker House Roll, and Chowder (9246970036)
Portrait Shot of Eleven Madison Park (9284511683)
Course -7 Carrot - Tartare with Rye Bread and Condiments (9244182689)
Course -15 Pretzel - Chocolate Covered with Sea Salt (9244195115)
Course -10 (Part 1) Duck - Prosciutto with Foie Gras and Pickled (9246964010)
Course -3 Asparagus - Custard with Caviar and Rhubarb (9244186349)
View of the high ceiling (9246966648)
Course -12 Malt - Egg Cream with Vanilla and Seltzer (9244192667)
Course -11 Greenward - Pretzel, Mustard, and Pickled Strawberries (9246972432)
Course -8 Lobster - Poached with Snap Peas, Morels, and Sweetbreads (9246963572)
Deck of cards laid out using a magic trick where we
Eleven Madison Park Sign (9287287474)
Course -5 Littleneck Clam - Clambake with Whelk, Parker House Roll, and Chowder (9246969620)
Course -4 Surf Clam - Fava Bean, Meyer Lemon, and Green Garlic (9246968278)
Preview of an upcoming course with Duck (9244190083)
Eleven madison park lemon meringue pie in 2009
Course -15 Pretzel - Chocolate Covered with Sea Salt (9246976758)
Course -12 Malt - Egg Cream with Vanilla and Seltzer (9244193733)
Course -5 Littleneck Clam - Clambake with Whelk, Parker House Roll, and Chowder (9246969272)
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    Powiat włocławski - powiat w województwie kujawsko-pomorskim ma swoją siedzibę we Włocławku. Został utworzony w wyniku reformy administracyjnej przeprowadzonej w 1999 roku. Od tego czasu należą do niego gminy: Kowal, Brześć Kujawski, Chodecz, Izbica Kujawska, Lubień Kujawski, Lubraniec, Baruchowo, Boniewo, Choceń, Fabianki, Kowal, Lubanie, Włocławek.

    Atrakcyjność kulturowa wynika tu z bogatej i burzliwej historii. Powiat włocławski charakteryzuje się występowaniem atrakcyjnych turystycznie obiektów kultury materialnej. Jest bogaty w rozproszone obiekty historyczne takie jak: kościoły, pałace i dwory z parkami. Najważniejszymi elementami środowiska przyrodniczego są: wody powierzchniowe, szata roślinna i rzeźba terenu. To one przyciągają licznych gości w obręb ziem powiatu, do którego dojedziemy autostradą A1, drogami krajowymi nr 62, 67 i 91 oraz wojewódzkimi 252, 268, 265, 269 i 270, a także transportem kolejowym – linia nr 18.


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